Sponsorship and vendor opportunities to fit every budget
Would you like to introduce your business to the thousands of people our marketing efforts reach? Are you a VENDOR that would like to market your products to our customers? Our customer base is exclusively expectant parents, grandparents and families with children of all ages. We offer a variety of options to fit your goals and budget!
Reserve a vendor space for our Spring 2025 sale by Saturday, April 26, 2025!
Option #1: Vendor Space
- One (1) 8 ft x 3 ft size space located in the same room as the event for 1, 2 or 3 sale days*
- Logo placement on our website with a link to the vendor’s website
- Promotion on all active Tykes2Teens social media sites, at least once before a sale
- Vendors may talk to customers, distribute promotional material, offer samples, book parties, take orders and sell items at the event
- We HIGHLY recommend that you have items for cash and carry at your vendor space
- Get free consignor registration when you reserve a vendor space
- Cost: $200 for 3 days or $100/day
*Vendors must provide their own table(s). A reservation is complete once your form is submitted and payment is received.
Vendors are asked to remain onsite for the majority of the sale hours (see below). If you are unable to be there all day, Tykes2Teens is not responsible for the safety of your tabled items. We recommend securing items, giveaways or samples each evening and when you are away from your table.
Option #2: Vendor Bags
- Promotional material provided by you** will be distributed in vendor bags to customers at check out
- Mention in vendor bag post on our social media sites
- Provide 500 pieces of promotional material (can be a coupon, information, calendar, business card or swag)
- Size cannot exceed 8.5″ x 5.5″ to fit in bag
- Promotional items due by April 1st
- Must be family friendly
- Cost: $25 per event
**Vendors must drop off their promotional items by April 1st, so bags can be assembled.
Option #3: Vendor Flyer
- Your ad will be placed on our vendor flyer and distributed in vendor bags to customers at check out
- Logo placement on our website with a link to the vendor’s website
- Mention in vendor flyer post on our social media sites
- Black & white ad size – 2 x 3.5
- Ads are due by April 1st
- Must be family friendly
- Cost: $50 per event
Option #4: T2T Flyer Sponsor
- Your ad will be placed on our promotional flyer and distributed at local kid-friendly businesses & groups, such as daycare and preschool facilities
- Logo placement on our website with a link to your website
- Promotion on our social media sites, at least once before sale
- Limit: ONLY 1 per event
- Cost:
$200 per eventSOLD FOR SPRING 2025
Important reminders
- If you would like to join us as a sponsor or vendor, please submit a Reservation Form. A reservation is not complete until your form and payment are received. Payment can be made by PayPal or check.
- Please email your logo in high-definition JPEG format for use on our website and social media. Failure to provide a logo in a timely fashion will result in only your company name being used.
- Any questions can be sent to Info@Tykes2Teens.com. Please put “Sponsors/Vendors” in the subject line.
Sale schedule for vendors
Thursday, May 1, 2025
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm – vendor set-up
2:30 pm – DOORS OPEN!
2:30 pm – pre-sale for volunteers who work 8 hours or more
3:00 pm – pre-sale for volunteers who work 4 hours or more and individuals that distributed our flyers
3:30 pm – pre-sale for volunteers who work 2 hours
4:00 pm – pre-sale for consignors and their guests
5:00 pm – pre-sale for registered parents and grandparents and their guests
6:00 pm – pre-sale for educators, first responders and medical personnel and their guest
7:00 pm – sale opens to the public (**NEW for Spring 2025!)
9:00 pm – pre-sale ends
Friday, May 2, 2025
8:30 – 9:00 am – vendor arrival for the day
9:00 am – DOORS OPEN!
9:00 am – public sale begins
7:00 pm – public sale closes for the day
Saturday, May 3, 2025
7:00 – 7:30 am – vendor arrival for the day
7:30 am – DOORS OPEN!
7:30 am – early shopping for contest winners
8:00 am – public sale begins
1:00 pm – public sale ends and tear-down begins